Semaya Maritime Training Center, established in 2010 is a maritime education and training institution located at Jalan Masuk Pelabuhan Martapura Baru No. 1 Kompleks PelabuhanTrisakti, Banjarmasin Barat, Kalimantan Selatan. The Ministry of Sea Transportation in Indonesia has recognized and registered Benoa Maritime Indonesia as a center for basic seafaring skill training, particularly for seafarers who will work on ships, including commercial ships, passenger ships, Ro-Ro boats, and fishing boats. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), represented by the Ministry of Sea Transportation-Indonesia, is the international organization whose regulations are followed in the implementation of training at Semaya Maritime Training Center. As for the certified training that we carry out in the form of:
The Semaya Maritime Training Center education and training institution provides students with the required infrastructure and facilities to support this training activity. The Semaya Maritime Training Center Education and Training Institution has teachers/instructors with experts in their specialties who have teaching experience in addition to having served as officers and captains of cargo ships and cruise ships in the past.